Source code for pyms.Peak.List.Function

Functions related to Peak modification.

#                                                                              #
#    PyMassSpec software for processing of mass-spectrometry data              #
#    Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Vladimir Likic                                    #
#    Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Dominic Davis-Foster                              #
#                                                                              #
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      #
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as         #
#    published by the Free Software Foundation.                                #
#                                                                              #
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           #
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            #
#    GNU General Public License for more details.                              #
#                                                                              #
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         #
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software               #
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.                 #
#                                                                              #

# stdlib
import math
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

# 3rd party
import numpy

# this package
from pyms.IntensityMatrix import BaseIntensityMatrix
from pyms.Peak import Peak
from pyms.Spectrum import MassSpectrum
from pyms.Utils.Math import median_outliers
from pyms.Utils.Time import time_str_secs
from pyms.Utils.Utils import is_sequence, is_sequence_of

__all__ = ["composite_peak", "fill_peaks", "is_peak_list", "sele_peaks_by_rt"]

[docs]def composite_peak(peak_list: List[Peak], ignore_outliers: bool = False) -> Optional[Peak]: """ Create a peak that consists of a composite spectrum from all spectra in the list of peaks. :param peak_list: A list of peak objects :param ignore_outliers: :return: The composite peak :authors: Andrew Isaac, Dominic Davis-Foster (type assertions) """ if not is_peak_list(peak_list): raise TypeError("'peak_list' must be a list of Peak objects") first = True count = 0 avg_rt = 0.0 # new_ms = None # DK: first mark peaks in the list that are outliers by RT, but only if there are more than 3 peaks in the list if ignore_outliers: rts = [] if len(peak_list) > 3: for peak in peak_list: rts.append(peak.rt) is_outlier = median_outliers(rts) for i, val in enumerate(is_outlier): if val: peak_list[i].is_outlier = True # DK: the average RT and average mass spec for the compound peak is now calculated from peaks that are NOT outliers. # This should improve the ability to order peaks and figure out badly aligned entries for peak in peak_list: if peak is not None and ((ignore_outliers and not peak.is_outlier) or not ignore_outliers): ms = peak.mass_spectrum if ms is None: raise ValueError("The peak has no mass spectrum.") spec = numpy.array(ms.mass_spec, dtype='d') if first: avg_spec = numpy.zeros(len(ms.mass_spec), dtype='d') mass_list = ms.mass_list first = False # scale all intensities to [0,100] max_spec = max(spec) / 100.0 if max_spec > 0: spec = spec / max_spec else: spec = spec * 0 avg_rt += peak.rt avg_spec += spec count += 1 if count > 0: avg_rt = avg_rt / count avg_spec = avg_spec / count new_ms = MassSpectrum(mass_list, avg_spec) return Peak(avg_rt, new_ms) else: return None
[docs]def fill_peaks( data: BaseIntensityMatrix, peak_list: List[Peak], D: float, minutes: bool = False, ) -> List[Peak]: """ Gets the best matching Retention Time and spectra from 'data' for each peak in the peak list. :param data: A data IntensityMatrix that has the same mass range as the peaks in the peak list :param peak_list: A list of peak objects :param D: Peak width standard deviation in seconds. Determines search window width. :param minutes: Return retention time as minutes :return: List of Peak Objects :authors: Andrew Isaac, Dominic Davis-Foster (type assertions) """ # noqa: D400 if not is_peak_list(peak_list): raise TypeError("'peak_list' must be a list of Peak objects") if not isinstance(D, float): raise TypeError("'D' must be a float") # Test for best match in range where RT weight is greater than _TOL _TOL = 0.001 cutoff = D * math.sqrt(-2.0 * math.log(_TOL)) # Penalise for neighboring peaks # reweight so RT weight at nearest peak is _PEN _PEN = 0.5 datamat = data.intensity_array mass_list = data.mass_list datatimes = data.time_list minrt = min(datatimes) maxrt = max(datatimes) rtl = 0.0 rtr = 0.0 new_peak_list = [] for ii in range(len(peak_list)): mass_spec = peak_list[ii].mass_spectrum if mass_spec is None: raise ValueError("The peak has no mass spectrum.") spec = mass_spec.mass_spec spec = numpy.array(spec, dtype='d') rt = peak_list[ii].rt sum_spec_squared = numpy.sum(spec**2, axis=0) # get neighbour RT's if ii > 0: rtl = peak_list[ii - 1].rt if ii < len(peak_list) - 1: rtr = peak_list[ii + 1].rt # adjust weighting for neighbours rtclose = min(abs(rt - rtl), abs(rt - rtr)) Dclose = rtclose / math.sqrt(-2.0 * math.log(_PEN)) if Dclose > 0: Dclose = min(D, Dclose) else: Dclose = D # Get bounds rtlow = rt - cutoff if rtlow < minrt: rtlow = minrt lowii = data.get_index_at_time(rtlow) rtup = rt + cutoff if rtup > maxrt: rtup = maxrt upii = data.get_index_at_time(rtup) # Get sub matrix of scans in bounds submat = numpy.array(datamat[lowii:upii + 1], dtype='d') subrts = numpy.array(datatimes[lowii:upii + 1], dtype='d') sum_summat_squared = numpy.sum(submat**2, axis=1) # transpose spec (as matrix) for dot product spec = numpy.transpose([spec]) # dot product on rows toparr =, spec) botarr = numpy.sqrt(sum_spec_squared * sum_summat_squared) # convert back to 1-D array toparr = toparr.ravel() # scaled dot product of each scan cosarr = toparr / botarr # RT weight of each scan rtimearr = numpy.exp(-((subrts - rt) / float(Dclose))**2 / 2.0) # weighted scores scorearr = cosarr * rtimearr # index of best score best_ii = scorearr.argmax() # Add new peak bestrt = subrts[best_ii] bestspec = submat[best_ii].tolist() ms = MassSpectrum(mass_list, bestspec) new_peak_list.append(Peak(bestrt, ms, minutes)) return new_peak_list
[docs]def is_peak_list(peaks: Any) -> bool: """ Returns whether ``peaks`` is a valid peak list. :author: Dominic Davis-Foster """ return is_sequence_of(peaks, Peak)
[docs]def sele_peaks_by_rt( peaks: Union[Sequence[Peak], numpy.ndarray], rt_range: Sequence[str], ) -> List[Peak]: """ Selects peaks from a retention time range. :param peaks: A list of peak objects :param rt_range: A list of two time strings, specifying lower and upper retention times. :return: A list of peak objects """ if not is_peak_list(peaks): raise TypeError("'peaks' must be a Sequence of Peak objects") if not is_sequence(rt_range): raise TypeError("'rt_range' must be a Sequence") else: if len(rt_range) != 2: raise ValueError("'rt_range' must have exactly two elements") if not isinstance(rt_range[0], str) or not isinstance(rt_range[1], str): raise TypeError("lower/upper retention time limits must be strings") rt_lo = time_str_secs(rt_range[0]) rt_hi = time_str_secs(rt_range[1]) if rt_lo >= rt_hi: raise ValueError("lower retention time limit must be less than upper") peaks_sele = [] for peak in peaks: rt = peak.rt if rt_lo < rt < rt_hi: peaks_sele.append(peak) # print("%d peaks selected" % (len(peaks_sele))) return peaks_sele