Source code for pyms.DPA.Alignment

Classes for peak alignment by dynamic programming.

#                                                                              #
#    PyMassSpec software for processing of mass-spectrometry data              #
#    Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Vladimir Likic                                    #
#    Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Dominic Davis-Foster                              #
#                                                                              #
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      #
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as         #
#    published by the Free Software Foundation.                                #
#                                                                              #
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           #
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            #
#    GNU General Public License for more details.                              #
#                                                                              #
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         #
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software               #
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.                 #
#                                                                              #

# stdlib
import copy
import math
import operator
import pathlib
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence

# 3rd party
import numpy
import pandas  # type: ignore[import]
from domdf_python_tools.typing import PathLike
from pandas import DataFrame

# this package
from pyms.Experiment import Experiment
from pyms.Peak import Peak
from pyms.Peak.List.Function import composite_peak
from pyms.Utils.IO import prepare_filepath
from pyms.Utils.Utils import _number_types, is_path, is_sequence, is_sequence_of

__all__ = ["Alignment", "exprl2alignment"]

# Ensure that the intersphinx links are correct.
DataFrame.__module__ = "pandas"

[docs]class Alignment: """ Models an alignment of peak lists. :param expr: The experiment to be converted into an alignment object. :authors: Woon Wai Keen, Qiao Wang, Vladimir Likic, Dominic Davis-Foster. """ #: peakpos: List[List[Peak]] #: List of experiment codes. expr_code: List[str] #: peakalgt: List[List[Peak]] #: similarity: Optional[float] def __init__(self, expr: Optional[Experiment]): if expr is None: self.peakpos = [] self.peakalgt = [] self.expr_code = [] self.similarity = None elif not isinstance(expr, Experiment): raise TypeError("'expr' must be an 'Experiment' object") else: # for peak in expr.peak_list: # if peak.area() == None or peak.area() <= 0: # error("All peaks must have an area for alignment") self.peakpos = [copy.deepcopy(expr.peak_list)] self.peakalgt = numpy.transpose(self.peakpos).tolist() # type: ignore[arg-type] self.expr_code = [expr.expr_code] self.similarity = None
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Returns the length of the alignment, defined as the number of peak positions in the alignment. :rtype: :authors: Qiao Wang, Vladimir Likic """ # noqa: D400 return len(self.peakalgt)
[docs] def aligned_peaks(self, minutes: bool = False) -> Sequence[Optional[Peak]]: """ Returns a list of Peak objects where each peak has the combined spectra and average retention time of all peaks that aligned. :param minutes: Whether retention times are in minutes. If :py:obj:`False`, retention time are in seconds. :return: A list of composite peaks based on the alignment. :author: Andrew Isaac .. TODO:: minutes currently does nothing """ # noqa: D400 # for all peaks found peak_list = [] for peak_idx in range(len(self.peakpos[0])): # get aligned peaks, ignore missing new_peak_list = [] for align_idx in range(len(self.peakpos)): peak = self.peakpos[align_idx][peak_idx] if peak is not None: new_peak_list.append(peak) # create composite new_peak = composite_peak(new_peak_list) peak_list.append(new_peak) return peak_list
[docs] def common_ion(self) -> List[float]: """ Calculates a common ion among the peaks of an aligned peak. :return: A list of the highest intensity common ion for all aligned peaks. :author: Sean O'Callaghan """ # print("#peak lists =", len(self.peakpos)) # print("#peaks =", len(self.peakpos[0])) # a list to contain the dictionaries # each dictionary contains the # top ions and their frequency for each peak # in the alignment list_of_top_ion_dicts: List = [] empty_count_list: List[int] = [] for peak_list in self.peakpos: # (re)initialise the peak index index = 0 for peak in peak_list: # if the dict has not been created, create it # will only run on first peak list if len(list_of_top_ion_dicts) < len(peak_list): list_of_top_ion_dicts.append({}) # copy the list entry to a local dict for code clarity top_ion_dict = list_of_top_ion_dicts[index] # count the empty peaks if (len(empty_count_list)) < len(peak_list): empty_count = 0 else: empty_count = empty_count_list[index] # make sure the peak is present if peak is not None: # get the top 5 ions top_5 = peak.ion_areas.keys() for ion in top_5: if ion in top_ion_dict: # if we have seen it, increment the count top_ion_dict[ion] += 1 else: # if we haven't seen it before, add it top_ion_dict[ion] = 1 empty_count += 1 # copy the dict back to the list list_of_top_ion_dicts[index] = top_ion_dict if len(empty_count_list) < len(peak_list): empty_count_list.append(empty_count) else: empty_count_list[index] = empty_count # increment for the next peak index += 1 # print("length of list of dicts", len(list_of_top_ion_dicts)) # index = 0 # for entry in list_of_top_ion_dicts: # for ion in sorted(entry, key=entry.get, reverse=True)[0:3]: # print(ion,":", entry[ion],end='') # print(' empty:', empty_count_list[index]) # index += 1 top_ion_list = [] for entry in list_of_top_ion_dicts: # This was in the Repo and commented in easyGC # top_ion_list.append(self.get_highest_mz_ion(entry)) # This was in the version being used by GSMatch and easyGC top_ion_list.append(max(entry, key=entry.get)) # TODO: Change over to the new version return top_ion_list
[docs] def filter_min_peaks(self, min_peaks: int) -> None: """ Filters alignment positions that have less peaks than ``min_peaks``. This function is useful only for within state alignment. :param min_peaks: Minimum number of peaks required for the alignment position to survive filtering. :author: Qiao Wang """ if not isinstance(min_peaks, int): raise TypeError("'min_peaks' must be an integer") filtered_list = [] for pos in range(len(self.peakalgt)): # if len(filter(None,self.peakalgt[pos])) >= min_peaks: if len([x for x in self.peakalgt[pos] if x is not None]) >= min_peaks: filtered_list.append(self.peakalgt[pos]) self.peakalgt = filtered_list self.peakpos = numpy.transpose(self.peakalgt).tolist() # type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_highest_mz_ion(ion_dict: Dict[float, int]) -> float: """ Returns the preferred ion for quantitiation. Looks at the list of candidate ions, selects those which have highest occurrence, and selects the heaviest of those. :param ion_dict: a dictionary of *m/z* value: number of occurrences. :return ion: The ion with the highest *m/z* value. """ max_occurrences = max(ion_dict.values()) most_freq_mzs = [] for key, value in ion_dict.items(): if value == max_occurrences: most_freq_mzs.append(key) return max(most_freq_mzs)
[docs] def write_csv( self, rt_file_name: PathLike, area_file_name: PathLike, minutes: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Writes the alignment to CSV files. This function writes two files: one containing the alignment of peak retention times and the other containing the alignment of peak areas. :param rt_file_name: The name for the retention time alignment file. :param area_file_name: The name for the areas alignment file. :param minutes: Whether to save retention times in minutes. If :py:obj:`False`, retention time will be saved in seconds. :authors: Woon Wai Keen, Andrew Isaac, Vladimir Likic, David Kainer, Dominic Davis-Foster (pathlib support) """ if not isinstance(rt_file_name, (str, pathlib.Path)): raise TypeError("'rt_file_name' must be a string or a pathlib.Path object") if not isinstance(area_file_name, (str, pathlib.Path)): raise TypeError("'area_file_name' must be a string or a pathlib.Path object") rt_file_name = prepare_filepath(rt_file_name) area_file_name = prepare_filepath(area_file_name) with'w', encoding="UTF-8") as fp1,'w', encoding="UTF-8") as fp2: # create header header = ["UID", "RTavg"] for item in self.expr_code: header.append(f'"{item}"') # write headers fp1.write(','.join(header) + '\n') fp2.write(','.join(header) + '\n') # for each alignment position write alignment's peak and area for peak_idx in range(len(self.peakpos[0])): # loop through peak lists (rows) rts = [] areas = [] new_peak_list = [] for align_idx in range(len(self.peakpos)): peak = self.peakpos[align_idx][peak_idx] if peak is not None: if minutes: rt = peak.rt / 60.0 else: rt = peak.rt rts.append(rt) areas.append(peak.area) new_peak_list.append(peak) else: rts.append(None) areas.append(None) compo_peak = composite_peak(new_peak_list) if compo_peak is None: continue # write to retention times file fp1.write(compo_peak.UID) if minutes: fp1.write(f",{float(compo_peak.rt / 60):.3f}") else: fp1.write(f",{compo_peak.rt:.3f}") for rt in rts: if rt is None or numpy.isnan(rt): fp1.write(",NA") else: fp1.write(f",{rt:.3f}") fp1.write('\n') # write to peak areas file fp2.write(compo_peak.UID) if minutes: fp2.write(f",{float(compo_peak.rt / 60):.3f}") else: fp2.write(f",{compo_peak.rt:.3f}") for area in areas: if area is None: fp2.write(",NA") else: fp2.write(f",{area:.0f}") fp2.write('\n')
[docs] def write_common_ion_csv( self, area_file_name: PathLike, top_ion_list: Sequence[float], minutes: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Writes the alignment to CSV files. This function writes two files: one containing the alignment of peak retention times and the other containing the alignment of peak areas. :param area_file_name: The name for the areas alignment file. :param top_ion_list: A list of the highest intensity common ion along the aligned peaks. :param minutes: Whether to save retention times in minutes. If :py:obj:`False`, retention time will be saved in seconds. :authors: Woon Wai Keen, Andrew Isaac, Sean O'Callaghan, Vladimir Likic, Dominic Davis-Foster (pathlib support) .. TODO:: minutes currently does nothing """ if not is_path(area_file_name): raise TypeError("'area_file_name' must be a string or a PathLike object") if not is_sequence_of(top_ion_list, _number_types): raise TypeError(f"'top_ion_list' must be a Sequence of numbers") area_file_name = prepare_filepath(area_file_name) with'w') as fp: # create header header = ['"UID"', '"RTavg"', '"Quant Ion"'] for item in self.expr_code: header.append(f'"{item}"') # write headers fp.write(','.join(header) + '\n') rtsums: List[float] = [] rtcounts = [] # The following two arrays will become list of lists # such that: # areas = [ [align1_peak1, align2_peak1, .....,alignn_peak1] # [align1_peak2, ................................] # ............................................. # [align1_peakm,....................,alignn_peakm] ] areas: List[List] = [] new_peak_lists: List[List[Peak]] = [] for peak_list in self.peakpos: index = 0 for peak in peak_list: # one the first iteration, populate the lists if len(areas) < len(peak_list): areas.append([]) new_peak_lists.append([]) rtsums.append(0) rtcounts.append(0) if peak is not None: rt = peak.rt # get the area of the common ion for the peak # an area of 'na' shows that while the peak was # aligned, the common ion was not present area = peak.get_ion_area(top_ion_list[index]) areas[index].append(area) new_peak_lists[index].append(peak) # The following code to the else statement is # just for calculating the average rt rtsums[index] += rt rtcounts[index] += 1 else: areas[index].append(None) index += 1 out_strings = [] index = 0 # now write the strings for the file for area_list in areas: # write initial info: # peak unique id, peak average rt compo_peak = composite_peak(new_peak_lists[index]) if compo_peak is None: continue peak_UID = compo_peak.UID peak_UID_string = f'"{peak_UID}"' rt_avg = rtsums[index] / rtcounts[index] out_strings.append(f"{peak_UID_string},{rt_avg / 60:.3f},{top_ion_list[index]:f}") for area in area_list: if area is not None: out_strings[index] += f",{area:.4f}" else: out_strings[index] += ",NA" index += 1 # now write the file # print("length of areas[0]", len(areas[0])) # print("length of areas", len(areas)) # print("length of out_strings", len(out_strings)) for row in out_strings: fp.write(row + '\n')
[docs] def write_ion_areas_csv(self, ms_file_name: PathLike, minutes: bool = True) -> None: """ Write Ion Areas to CSV File. :param ms_file_name: The name of the file :param minutes: Whether to save retention times in minutes. If :py:obj:`False`, retention time will be saved in seconds. :authors: David Kainer, Dominic Davis-Foster (pathlib support) """ if not is_path(ms_file_name): raise TypeError("'ms_file_name' must be a string or a PathLike object") ms_file_name = prepare_filepath(ms_file_name) with'w') as fp1: # create header header = ['"UID"', '"RTavg"'] for item in self.expr_code: header.append(f'"{item}"') # write headers fp1.write('|'.join(header) + '\n') for peak_idx in range(len(self.peakpos[0])): ias = [] new_peak_list = [] for align_idx in range(len(self.peakpos)): peak = self.peakpos[align_idx][peak_idx] if peak is not None: ia = peak.ion_areas ia.update((mass, math.floor(intensity)) for mass, intensity in ia.items()) sorted_ia = sorted(ia.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) ias.append(sorted_ia) new_peak_list.append(peak) compo_peak = composite_peak(new_peak_list) if compo_peak is None: continue # write to ms file fp1.write(compo_peak.UID) if minutes: fp1.write(f"|{compo_peak.rt/60:.3f}") else: fp1.write(f"|{compo_peak.rt:.3f}") for intensity_array in ias: if intensity_array is None: fp1.write("|NA") else: fp1.write(f"|{intensity_array}") fp1.write('\n')
[docs] def get_peak_alignment( self, minutes: bool = True, require_all_expr: bool = True, ) -> DataFrame: """ Returns a Pandas dataframe of aligned retention times. :param minutes: Whether to return retention times in minutes. If :py:obj:`False`, retention time will be returned in seconds. :param require_all_expr: Whether the peak must be present in all experiments to be included in the data frame. :authors: Woon Wai Keen, Andrew Isaac, Vladimir Likic, Dominic Davis-Foster """ rt_table = [] # for each alignment position write alignment's RT for peak_idx in range(len(self.peakpos[0])): rts = [] countrt = 0 for align_idx in range(len(self.peakpos)): peak = self.peakpos[align_idx][peak_idx] if peak is not None: if minutes: rt = peak.rt / 60.0 else: rt = peak.rt rts.append(rt) countrt = countrt + 1 else: rts.append(None) if (require_all_expr and countrt == len(self.expr_code)) or not require_all_expr: rt_table.append(rts) rt_alignment = pandas.DataFrame(rt_table, columns=self.expr_code) rt_alignment = rt_alignment.reindex(sorted(rt_alignment.columns), axis=1) return rt_alignment
[docs] def get_ms_alignment(self, require_all_expr: bool = True) -> DataFrame: """ Returns a Pandas dataframe of mass spectra for the aligned peaks. :param require_all_expr: Whether the peak must be present in all experiments to be included in the data frame. :authors: Woon Wai Keen, Andrew Isaac, Vladimir Likic, Dominic Davis-Foster """ ms_table = [] # for each alignment position write alignment's ms for peak_idx in range(len(self.peakpos[0])): specs = [] countms = 0 for align_idx in range(len(self.peakpos)): peak = self.peakpos[align_idx][peak_idx] if peak is not None: ms = peak.mass_spectrum specs.append(ms) countms = countms + 1 else: specs.append(None) if (require_all_expr and countms == len(self.expr_code)) or not require_all_expr: ms_table.append(specs) ms_alignment = pandas.DataFrame(ms_table, columns=self.expr_code) ms_alignment = ms_alignment.reindex(sorted(ms_alignment.columns), axis=1) return ms_alignment
[docs] def get_peaks_alignment(self, require_all_expr: bool = True) -> DataFrame: """ Returns a Pandas dataframe of Peak objects for the aligned peaks. :param require_all_expr: Whether the peak must be present in all experiments to be included in the data frame. :authors: Woon Wai Keen, Andrew Isaac, Vladimir Likic, Dominic Davis-Foster """ peaks_table = [] # for each alignment position write alignment's ms for peak_idx in range(len(self.peakpos[0])): peaks = [] count_peaks = 0 for align_idx in range(len(self.peakpos)): peak = self.peakpos[align_idx][peak_idx] if peak is not None: peaks.append(peak) count_peaks = count_peaks + 1 else: peaks.append(None) if (require_all_expr and count_peaks == len(self.expr_code)) or not require_all_expr: peaks_table.append(peaks) peak_alignment = pandas.DataFrame(peaks_table, columns=self.expr_code) peak_alignment = peak_alignment.reindex(sorted(peak_alignment.columns), axis=1) return peak_alignment
[docs] def get_area_alignment(self, require_all_expr: bool = True) -> DataFrame: """ Returns a Pandas dataframe containing the peak areas of the aligned peaks. :param require_all_expr: Whether the peak must be present in all experiments to be included in the data frame. :authors: Woon Wai Keen, Andrew Isaac, Vladimir Likic, Dominic Davis-Foster """ areas_table = [] # for each alignment position write alignment's ms for peak_idx in range(len(self.peakpos[0])): areas = [] count_areas = 0 for align_idx in range(len(self.peakpos)): peak = self.peakpos[align_idx][peak_idx] if peak is not None: area = peak.area areas.append(area) count_areas = count_areas + 1 else: areas.append(None) if (require_all_expr and count_areas == len(self.expr_code)) or not require_all_expr: areas_table.append(areas) area_alignment = pandas.DataFrame(areas_table, columns=self.expr_code) area_alignment = area_alignment.reindex(sorted(area_alignment.columns), axis=1) return area_alignment
[docs]def exprl2alignment(expr_list: List[Experiment]) -> List[Alignment]: """ Converts a list of experiments into a list of alignments. :param expr_list: The list of experiments to be converted into an alignment objects. :return: A list of alignment objects for the experiments. :author: Vladimir Likic """ if not is_sequence(expr_list): raise TypeError("'expr_list' must be a Sequence") alignments = [] for item in expr_list: if not isinstance(item, Experiment): raise TypeError("list items must be 'Experiment' instances") alignments.append(Alignment(item)) return alignments