Source code for Bio.Cluster

# This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its
# license.  Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included
# as part of this package.
"""Cluster Analysis.

The Bio.Cluster provides commonly used clustering algorithms and was
designed with the application to gene expression data in mind. However,
this module can also be used for cluster analysis of other types of data.

Bio.Cluster and the underlying C Clustering Library is described in
M. de Hoon et al. (2004)

import numbers

    import numpy as np
except ImportError:
    from Bio import MissingPythonDependencyError

    raise MissingPythonDependencyError(
        "Please install NumPy if you want to use Bio.Cluster. "
    ) from None

from . import _cluster  # type: ignore

__all__ = (

__version__ = _cluster.version()

class Node(_cluster.Node):
    """Element of a hierarchical clustering tree.

    A node contains items or other Nodes(sub-nodes).

    __doc__ = _cluster.Node.__doc__

class Tree(_cluster.Tree):
    """Hierarchical clustering tree.

    A Tree consists of Nodes.

    def sort(self, order=None):
        """Sort the hierarchical clustering tree.

        Sort the hierarchical clustering tree by switching the left and
        right subnode of nodes such that the elements in the left-to-right
        order of the tree tend to have increasing order values.

        Return the indices of the elements in the left-to-right order in
        the hierarchical clustering tree, such that the element with index
        indices[i] occurs at position i in the dendrogram.

        n = len(self) + 1
        indices = np.ones(n, dtype="intc")
        if order is None:
            order = np.ones(n, dtype="d")
        elif isinstance(order, np.ndarray):
            order = np.require(order, dtype="d", requirements="C")
            order = np.array(order, dtype="d")
        _cluster.Tree.sort(self, indices, order)
        return indices

    def cut(self, nclusters=None):
        """Create clusters by cutting the hierarchical clustering tree.

        Divide the elements in a hierarchical clustering result mytree
        into clusters, and return an array with the number of the cluster
        to which each element was assigned.

        Keyword arguments:
         - nclusters: The desired number of clusters.
        n = len(self) + 1
        indices = np.ones(n, dtype="intc")
        if nclusters is None:
            nclusters = n
        _cluster.Tree.cut(self, indices, nclusters)
        return indices

def kcluster(
    """Perform k-means clustering.

    This function performs k-means clustering on the values in data, and
    returns the cluster assignments, the within-cluster sum of distances
    of the optimal k-means clustering solution, and the number of times
    the optimal solution was found.

    Keyword arguments:
     - data: nrows x ncolumns array containing the data values.
     - nclusters: number of clusters (the 'k' in k-means).
     - mask: nrows x ncolumns array of integers, showing which data
       are missing. If mask[i,j]==0, then data[i,j] is missing.
     - weight: the weights to be used when calculating distances
     - transpose:
       - if False: rows are clustered;
       - if True: columns are clustered.
     - npass: number of times the k-means clustering algorithm is
       performed, each time with a different (random) initial
     - method: specifies how the center of a cluster is found:
       - method == 'a': arithmetic mean;
       - method == 'm': median.
     - dist: specifies the distance function to be used:
       - dist == 'e': Euclidean distance;
       - dist == 'b': City Block distance;
       - dist == 'c': Pearson correlation;
       - dist == 'a': absolute value of the correlation;
       - dist == 'u': uncentered correlation;
       - dist == 'x': absolute uncentered correlation;
       - dist == 's': Spearman's rank correlation;
       - dist == 'k': Kendall's tau.
     - initialid: the initial clustering from which the algorithm
       should start.
       If initialid is None, the routine carries out npass
       repetitions of the EM algorithm, each time starting from a
       different random initial clustering. If initialid is given,
       the routine carries out the EM algorithm only once, starting
       from the given initial clustering and without randomizing the
       order in which items are assigned to clusters (i.e., using
       the same order as in the data matrix). In that case, the
       k-means algorithm is fully deterministic.

    Return values:
     - clusterid: array containing the index of the cluster to which each
       item was assigned in the best k-means clustering solution that was
       found in the npass runs;
     - error: the within-cluster sum of distances for the returned k-means
       clustering solution;
     - nfound: the number of times this solution was found.
    data = __check_data(data)
    shape = data.shape
    if transpose:
        ndata, nitems = shape
        nitems, ndata = shape
    mask = __check_mask(mask, shape)
    weight = __check_weight(weight, ndata)
    clusterid, npass = __check_initialid(initialid, npass, nitems)
    error, nfound = _cluster.kcluster(
        data, nclusters, mask, weight, transpose, npass, method, dist, clusterid
    return clusterid, error, nfound

def kmedoids(distance, nclusters=2, npass=1, initialid=None):
    """Perform k-medoids clustering.

    This function performs k-medoids clustering, and returns the cluster
    assignments, the within-cluster sum of distances of the optimal
    k-medoids clustering solution, and the number of times the optimal
    solution was found.

    Keyword arguments:
     - distance: The distance matrix between the items. There are three
       ways in which you can pass a distance matrix:
       1. a 2D NumPy array (in which only the left-lower part of the array
       will be accessed);
       2. a 1D NumPy array containing the distances consecutively;
       3. a list of rows containing the lower-triangular part of
       the distance matrix.

       Examples are:

           >>> from numpy import array
           >>> # option 1:
           >>> distance = array([[0.0, 1.1, 2.3],
           ...                   [1.1, 0.0, 4.5],
           ...                   [2.3, 4.5, 0.0]])
           >>> # option 2:
           >>> distance = array([1.1, 2.3, 4.5])
           >>> # option 3:
           >>> distance = [array([]),
           ...             array([1.1]),
           ...             array([2.3, 4.5])]

       These three correspond to the same distance matrix.
     - nclusters: number of clusters (the 'k' in k-medoids)
     - npass: the number of times the k-medoids clustering algorithm
       is performed, each time with a different (random) initial
     - initialid: the initial clustering from which the algorithm should start.
       If initialid is not given, the routine carries out npass
       repetitions of the EM algorithm, each time starting from a
       different random initial clustering. If initialid is given,
       the routine carries out the EM algorithm only once, starting
       from the initial clustering specified by initialid and
       without randomizing the order in which items are assigned to
       clusters (i.e., using the same order as in the data matrix).
       In that case, the k-medoids algorithm is fully deterministic.

    Return values:
     - clusterid: array containing the index of the cluster to which each
       item was assigned in the best k-medoids clustering solution that was
       found in the npass runs; note that the index of a cluster is the index
       of the item that is the medoid of the cluster;
     - error: the within-cluster sum of distances for the returned k-medoids
       clustering solution;
     - nfound: the number of times this solution was found.
    distance = __check_distancematrix(distance)
    nitems = len(distance)
    clusterid, npass = __check_initialid(initialid, npass, nitems)
    error, nfound = _cluster.kmedoids(distance, nclusters, npass, clusterid)
    return clusterid, error, nfound

[docs]def treecluster( data, mask=None, weight=None, transpose=False, method="m", dist="e", distancematrix=None, ): """Perform hierarchical clustering, and return a Tree object. This function implements the pairwise single, complete, centroid, and average linkage hierarchical clustering methods. Keyword arguments: - data: nrows x ncolumns array containing the data values. - mask: nrows x ncolumns array of integers, showing which data are missing. If mask[i][j]==0, then data[i][j] is missing. - weight: the weights to be used when calculating distances. - transpose: - if False, rows are clustered; - if True, columns are clustered. - dist: specifies the distance function to be used: - dist == 'e': Euclidean distance - dist == 'b': City Block distance - dist == 'c': Pearson correlation - dist == 'a': absolute value of the correlation - dist == 'u': uncentered correlation - dist == 'x': absolute uncentered correlation - dist == 's': Spearman's rank correlation - dist == 'k': Kendall's tau - method: specifies which linkage method is used: - method == 's': Single pairwise linkage - method == 'm': Complete (maximum) pairwise linkage (default) - method == 'c': Centroid linkage - method == 'a': Average pairwise linkage - distancematrix: The distance matrix between the items. There are three ways in which you can pass a distance matrix: 1. a 2D NumPy array (in which only the left-lower part of the array will be accessed); 2. a 1D NumPy array containing the distances consecutively; 3. a list of rows containing the lower-triangular part of the distance matrix. Examples are: >>> from numpy import array >>> # option 1: >>> distance = array([[0.0, 1.1, 2.3], ... [1.1, 0.0, 4.5], ... [2.3, 4.5, 0.0]]) >>> # option 2: >>> distance = array([1.1, 2.3, 4.5]) >>> # option 3: >>> distance = [array([]), ... array([1.1]), ... array([2.3, 4.5])] These three correspond to the same distance matrix. PLEASE NOTE: As the treecluster routine may shuffle the values in the distance matrix as part of the clustering algorithm, be sure to save this array in a different variable before calling treecluster if you need it later. Either data or distancematrix should be None. If distancematrix is None, the hierarchical clustering solution is calculated from the values stored in the argument data. If data is None, the hierarchical clustering solution is instead calculated from the distance matrix. Pairwise centroid-linkage clustering can be performed only from the data values and not from the distance matrix. Pairwise single-, maximum-, and average-linkage clustering can be calculated from the data values or from the distance matrix. Return value: treecluster returns a Tree object describing the hierarchical clustering result. See the description of the Tree class for more information. """ if data is None and distancematrix is None: raise ValueError("use either data or distancematrix") if data is not None and distancematrix is not None: raise ValueError("use either data or distancematrix; do not use both") if data is not None: data = __check_data(data) shape = data.shape ndata = shape[0] if transpose else shape[1] mask = __check_mask(mask, shape) weight = __check_weight(weight, ndata) if distancematrix is not None: distancematrix = __check_distancematrix(distancematrix) if mask is not None: raise ValueError("mask is ignored if distancematrix is used") if weight is not None: raise ValueError("weight is ignored if distancematrix is used") tree = Tree() _cluster.treecluster( tree, data, mask, weight, transpose, method, dist, distancematrix ) return tree
def somcluster( data, mask=None, weight=None, transpose=False, nxgrid=2, nygrid=1, inittau=0.02, niter=1, dist="e", ): """Calculate a Self-Organizing Map. This function implements a Self-Organizing Map on a rectangular grid. Keyword arguments: - data: nrows x ncolumns array containing the data values; - mask: nrows x ncolumns array of integers, showing which data are missing. If mask[i][j]==0, then data[i][j] is missing. - weight: the weights to be used when calculating distances - transpose: - if False: rows are clustered; - if True: columns are clustered. - nxgrid: the horizontal dimension of the rectangular SOM map - nygrid: the vertical dimension of the rectangular SOM map - inittau: the initial value of tau (the neighborbood function) - niter: the number of iterations - dist: specifies the distance function to be used: - dist == 'e': Euclidean distance - dist == 'b': City Block distance - dist == 'c': Pearson correlation - dist == 'a': absolute value of the correlation - dist == 'u': uncentered correlation - dist == 'x': absolute uncentered correlation - dist == 's': Spearman's rank correlation - dist == 'k': Kendall's tau Return values: - clusterid: array with two columns, with the number of rows equal to the items that are being clustered. Each row in the array contains the x and y coordinates of the cell in the rectangular SOM grid to which the item was assigned. - celldata: an array with dimensions [nxgrid, nygrid, number of columns] if rows are being clustered, or [nxgrid, nygrid, number of rows) if columns are being clustered. Each element [ix, iy] of this array is a 1D vector containing the data values for the centroid of the cluster in the SOM grid cell with coordinates [ix, iy]. """ if transpose: ndata, nitems = data.shape else: nitems, ndata = data.shape data = __check_data(data) shape = data.shape mask = __check_mask(mask, shape) weight = __check_weight(weight, ndata) if nxgrid < 1: raise ValueError("nxgrid should be a positive integer (default is 2)") if nygrid < 1: raise ValueError("nygrid should be a positive integer (default is 1)") clusterids = np.ones((nitems, 2), dtype="intc") celldata = np.empty((nxgrid, nygrid, ndata), dtype="d") _cluster.somcluster( clusterids, celldata, data, mask, weight, transpose, inittau, niter, dist ) return clusterids, celldata def clusterdistance( data, mask=None, weight=None, index1=None, index2=None, method="a", dist="e", transpose=False, ): """Calculate and return the distance between two clusters. Keyword arguments: - data: nrows x ncolumns array containing the data values. - mask: nrows x ncolumns array of integers, showing which data are missing. If mask[i, j]==0, then data[i, j] is missing. - weight: the weights to be used when calculating distances - index1: 1D array identifying which items belong to the first cluster. If the cluster contains only one item, then index1 can also be written as a single integer. - index2: 1D array identifying which items belong to the second cluster. If the cluster contains only one item, then index2 can also be written as a single integer. - dist: specifies the distance function to be used: - dist == 'e': Euclidean distance - dist == 'b': City Block distance - dist == 'c': Pearson correlation - dist == 'a': absolute value of the correlation - dist == 'u': uncentered correlation - dist == 'x': absolute uncentered correlation - dist == 's': Spearman's rank correlation - dist == 'k': Kendall's tau - method: specifies how the distance between two clusters is defined: - method == 'a': the distance between the arithmetic means of the two clusters - method == 'm': the distance between the medians of the two clusters - method == 's': the smallest pairwise distance between members of the two clusters - method == 'x': the largest pairwise distance between members of the two clusters - method == 'v': average of the pairwise distances between members of the two clusters - transpose: - if False: clusters of rows are considered; - if True: clusters of columns are considered. """ data = __check_data(data) shape = data.shape ndata = shape[0] if transpose else shape[1] mask = __check_mask(mask, shape) weight = __check_weight(weight, ndata) index1 = __check_index(index1) index2 = __check_index(index2) return _cluster.clusterdistance( data, mask, weight, index1, index2, method, dist, transpose ) def clustercentroids(data, mask=None, clusterid=None, method="a", transpose=False): """Calculate and return the centroid of each cluster. The clustercentroids routine calculates the cluster centroids, given to which cluster each item belongs. The centroid is defined as either the mean or the median over all items for each dimension. Keyword arguments: - data: nrows x ncolumns array containing the data values. - mask: nrows x ncolumns array of integers, showing which data are missing. If mask[i, j]==0, then data[i, j] is missing. - clusterid: array containing the cluster number for each item. The cluster number should be non-negative. - method: specifies whether the centroid is calculated from the arithmetic mean (method == 'a', default) or the median (method == 'm') over each dimension. - transpose: if False, each row contains the data for one item; if True, each column contains the data for one item. Return values: - cdata: 2D array containing the cluster centroids. If transpose is False, then the dimensions of cdata are nclusters x ncolumns. If transpose is True, then the dimensions of cdata are nrows x nclusters. - cmask: 2D array of integers describing which items in cdata, if any, are missing. """ data = __check_data(data) mask = __check_mask(mask, data.shape) nrows, ncolumns = data.shape if clusterid is None: n = ncolumns if transpose else nrows clusterid = np.zeros(n, dtype="intc") nclusters = 1 else: clusterid = np.require(clusterid, dtype="intc", requirements="C") nclusters = max(clusterid + 1) if transpose: shape = (nrows, nclusters) else: shape = (nclusters, ncolumns) cdata = np.zeros(shape, dtype="d") cmask = np.zeros(shape, dtype="intc") _cluster.clustercentroids(data, mask, clusterid, method, transpose, cdata, cmask) return cdata, cmask def distancematrix(data, mask=None, weight=None, transpose=False, dist="e"): """Calculate and return a distance matrix from the data. This function returns the distance matrix calculated from the data. Keyword arguments: - data: nrows x ncolumns array containing the data values. - mask: nrows x ncolumns array of integers, showing which data are missing. If mask[i, j]==0, then data[i, j] is missing. - weight: the weights to be used when calculating distances. - transpose: if False: the distances between rows are calculated; if True: the distances between columns are calculated. - dist: specifies the distance function to be used: - dist == 'e': Euclidean distance - dist == 'b': City Block distance - dist == 'c': Pearson correlation - dist == 'a': absolute value of the correlation - dist == 'u': uncentered correlation - dist == 'x': absolute uncentered correlation - dist == 's': Spearman's rank correlation - dist == 'k': Kendall's tau Return value: The distance matrix is returned as a list of 1D arrays containing the distance matrix calculated from the data. The number of columns in eac row is equal to the row number. Hence, the first row has zero length. For example: >>> from numpy import array >>> from Bio.Cluster import distancematrix >>> data = array([[0, 1, 2, 3], ... [4, 5, 6, 7], ... [8, 9, 10, 11], ... [1, 2, 3, 4]]) >>> distances = distancematrix(data, dist='e') >>> distances [array([], dtype=float64), array([16.]), array([64., 16.]), array([ 1., 9., 49.])] which can be rewritten as:: distances = [array([], dtype=float64), array([ 16.]), array([ 64., 16.]), array([ 1., 9., 49.])] This corresponds to the distance matrix:: [ 0., 16., 64., 1.] [16., 0., 16., 9.] [64., 16., 0., 49.] [ 1., 9., 49., 0.] """ data = __check_data(data) shape = data.shape mask = __check_mask(mask, shape) if transpose: ndata, nitems = shape else: nitems, ndata = shape weight = __check_weight(weight, ndata) matrix = [np.empty(i, dtype="d") for i in range(nitems)] _cluster.distancematrix(data, mask, weight, transpose, dist, matrix) return matrix def pca(data): """Perform principal component analysis. Keyword arguments: - data: nrows x ncolumns array containing the data values. Return value: This function returns an array containing the mean of each column, the principal components as an nmin x ncolumns array, as well as the coordinates (an nrows x nmin array) of the data along the principal components, and the associated eigenvalues. The principal components, the coordinates, and the eigenvalues are sorted by the magnitude of the eigenvalue, with the largest eigenvalues appearing first. Here, nmin is the smaller of nrows and ncolumns. Adding the column means to the dot product of the coordinates and the principal components recreates the data matrix: >>> from numpy import array, dot, amax, amin >>> from Bio.Cluster import pca >>> matrix = array([[ 0., 0., 0.], ... [ 1., 0., 0.], ... [ 7., 3., 0.], ... [ 4., 2., 6.]]) >>> columnmean, coordinates, pc, _ = pca(matrix) >>> m = matrix - (columnmean + dot(coordinates, pc)) >>> amax(m) < 1e-12 and amin(m) > -1e-12 True """ data = __check_data(data) nrows, ncols = data.shape nmin = min(nrows, ncols) columnmean = np.empty(ncols, dtype="d") pc = np.empty((nmin, ncols), dtype="d") coordinates = np.empty((nrows, nmin), dtype="d") eigenvalues = np.empty(nmin, dtype="d") _cluster.pca(data, columnmean, coordinates, pc, eigenvalues) return columnmean, coordinates, pc, eigenvalues class Record: """Store gene expression data. A Record stores the gene expression data and related information contained in a data file following the file format defined for Michael Eisen's Cluster/TreeView program. Attributes: - data: a matrix containing the gene expression data - mask: a matrix containing only 1's and 0's, denoting which values are present (1) or missing (0). If all items of mask are one (no missing data), then mask is set to None. - geneid: a list containing a unique identifier for each gene (e.g., ORF name) - genename: a list containing an additional description for each gene (e.g., gene name) - gweight: the weight to be used for each gene when calculating the distance - gorder: an array of real numbers indicating the preferred order of the genes in the output file - expid: a list containing a unique identifier for each sample. - eweight: the weight to be used for each sample when calculating the distance - eorder: an array of real numbers indication the preferred order of the samples in the output file - uniqid: the string that was used instead of UNIQID in the input file. """ def __init__(self, handle=None): """Read gene expression data from the file handle and return a Record. The file should be in the format defined for Michael Eisen's Cluster/TreeView program. """ = None self.mask = None self.geneid = None self.genename = None self.gweight = None self.gorder = None self.expid = None self.eweight = None self.eorder = None self.uniqid = None if not handle: return line = handle.readline().strip("\r\n").split("\t") n = len(line) self.uniqid = line[0] self.expid = [] cols = {0: "GENEID"} for word in line[1:]: if word == "NAME": cols[line.index(word)] = word self.genename = [] elif word == "GWEIGHT": cols[line.index(word)] = word self.gweight = [] elif word == "GORDER": cols[line.index(word)] = word self.gorder = [] else: self.expid.append(word) self.geneid = [] = [] self.mask = [] needmask = 0 for line in handle: line = line.strip("\r\n").split("\t") if len(line) != n: raise ValueError( "Line with %d columns found (expected %d)" % (len(line), n) ) if line[0] == "EWEIGHT": i = max(cols) + 1 self.eweight = np.array(line[i:], float) continue if line[0] == "EORDER": i = max(cols) + 1 self.eorder = np.array(line[i:], float) continue rowdata = [] rowmask = [] n = len(line) for i in range(n): word = line[i] if i in cols: if cols[i] == "GENEID": self.geneid.append(word) if cols[i] == "NAME": self.genename.append(word) if cols[i] == "GWEIGHT": self.gweight.append(float(word)) if cols[i] == "GORDER": self.gorder.append(float(word)) continue if not word: rowdata.append(0.0) rowmask.append(0) needmask = 1 else: rowdata.append(float(word)) rowmask.append(1) self.mask.append(rowmask) = np.array( if needmask: self.mask = np.array(self.mask, int) else: self.mask = None if self.gweight: self.gweight = np.array(self.gweight) if self.gorder: self.gorder = np.array(self.gorder) def treecluster(self, transpose=False, method="m", dist="e"): """Apply hierarchical clustering and return a Tree object. The pairwise single, complete, centroid, and average linkage hierarchical clustering methods are available. Keyword arguments: - transpose: if False: rows are clustered; if True: columns are clustered. - dist: specifies the distance function to be used: - dist == 'e': Euclidean distance - dist == 'b': City Block distance - dist == 'c': Pearson correlation - dist == 'a': absolute value of the correlation - dist == 'u': uncentered correlation - dist == 'x': absolute uncentered correlation - dist == 's': Spearman's rank correlation - dist == 'k': Kendall's tau - method: specifies which linkage method is used: - method == 's': Single pairwise linkage - method == 'm': Complete (maximum) pairwise linkage (default) - method == 'c': Centroid linkage - method == 'a': Average pairwise linkage See the description of the Tree class for more information about the Tree object returned by this method. """ if transpose: weight = self.gweight else: weight = self.eweight return treecluster(, self.mask, weight, transpose, method, dist) def kcluster( self, nclusters=2, transpose=False, npass=1, method="a", dist="e", initialid=None, ): """Apply k-means or k-median clustering. This method returns a tuple (clusterid, error, nfound). Keyword arguments: - nclusters: number of clusters (the 'k' in k-means) - transpose: if False, genes (rows) are clustered; if True, samples (columns) are clustered. - npass: number of times the k-means clustering algorithm is performed, each time with a different (random) initial condition. - method: specifies how the center of a cluster is found: - method == 'a': arithmetic mean - method == 'm': median - dist: specifies the distance function to be used: - dist == 'e': Euclidean distance - dist == 'b': City Block distance - dist == 'c': Pearson correlation - dist == 'a': absolute value of the correlation - dist == 'u': uncentered correlation - dist == 'x': absolute uncentered correlation - dist == 's': Spearman's rank correlation - dist == 'k': Kendall's tau - initialid: the initial clustering from which the algorithm should start. If initialid is None, the routine carries out npass repetitions of the EM algorithm, each time starting from a different random initial clustering. If initialid is given, the routine carries out the EM algorithm only once, starting from the given initial clustering and without randomizing the order in which items are assigned to clusters (i.e., using the same order as in the data matrix). In that case, the k-means algorithm is fully deterministic. Return values: - clusterid: array containing the number of the cluster to which each gene/sample was assigned in the best k-means clustering solution that was found in the npass runs; - error: the within-cluster sum of distances for the returned k-means clustering solution; - nfound: the number of times this solution was found. """ if transpose: weight = self.gweight else: weight = self.eweight return kcluster(, nclusters, self.mask, weight, transpose, npass, method, dist, initialid, ) def somcluster( self, transpose=False, nxgrid=2, nygrid=1, inittau=0.02, niter=1, dist="e" ): """Calculate a self-organizing map on a rectangular grid. The somcluster method returns a tuple (clusterid, celldata). Keyword arguments: - transpose: if False, genes (rows) are clustered; if True, samples (columns) are clustered. - nxgrid: the horizontal dimension of the rectangular SOM map - nygrid: the vertical dimension of the rectangular SOM map - inittau: the initial value of tau (the neighborbood function) - niter: the number of iterations - dist: specifies the distance function to be used: - dist == 'e': Euclidean distance - dist == 'b': City Block distance - dist == 'c': Pearson correlation - dist == 'a': absolute value of the correlation - dist == 'u': uncentered correlation - dist == 'x': absolute uncentered correlation - dist == 's': Spearman's rank correlation - dist == 'k': Kendall's tau Return values: - clusterid: array with two columns, while the number of rows is equal to the number of genes or the number of samples depending on whether genes or samples are being clustered. Each row in the array contains the x and y coordinates of the cell in the rectangular SOM grid to which the gene or samples was assigned. - celldata: an array with dimensions (nxgrid, nygrid, number of samples) if genes are being clustered, or (nxgrid, nygrid, number of genes) if samples are being clustered. Each item [ix, iy] of this array is a 1D vector containing the gene expression data for the centroid of the cluster in the SOM grid cell with coordinates [ix, iy]. """ if transpose: weight = self.gweight else: weight = self.eweight return somcluster(, self.mask, weight, transpose, nxgrid, nygrid, inittau, niter, dist, ) def clustercentroids(self, clusterid=None, method="a", transpose=False): """Calculate the cluster centroids and return a tuple (cdata, cmask). The centroid is defined as either the mean or the median over all items for each dimension. Keyword arguments: - data: nrows x ncolumns array containing the expression data - mask: nrows x ncolumns array of integers, showing which data are missing. If mask[i, j]==0, then data[i, j] is missing. - transpose: if False, gene (row) clusters are considered; if True, sample (column) clusters are considered. - clusterid: array containing the cluster number for each gene or sample. The cluster number should be non-negative. - method: specifies how the centroid is calculated: - method == 'a': arithmetic mean over each dimension. (default) - method == 'm': median over each dimension. Return values: - cdata: 2D array containing the cluster centroids. If transpose is False, then the dimensions of cdata are nclusters x ncolumns. If transpose is True, then the dimensions of cdata are nrows x nclusters. - cmask: 2D array of integers describing which items in cdata, if any, are missing. """ return clustercentroids(, self.mask, clusterid, method, transpose) def clusterdistance( self, index1=0, index2=0, method="a", dist="e", transpose=False ): """Calculate the distance between two clusters. Keyword arguments: - index1: 1D array identifying which genes/samples belong to the first cluster. If the cluster contains only one gene, then index1 can also be written as a single integer. - index2: 1D array identifying which genes/samples belong to the second cluster. If the cluster contains only one gene, then index2 can also be written as a single integer. - transpose: if False, genes (rows) are clustered; if True, samples (columns) are clustered. - dist: specifies the distance function to be used: - dist == 'e': Euclidean distance - dist == 'b': City Block distance - dist == 'c': Pearson correlation - dist == 'a': absolute value of the correlation - dist == 'u': uncentered correlation - dist == 'x': absolute uncentered correlation - dist == 's': Spearman's rank correlation - dist == 'k': Kendall's tau - method: specifies how the distance between two clusters is defined: - method == 'a': the distance between the arithmetic means of the two clusters - method == 'm': the distance between the medians of the two clusters - method == 's': the smallest pairwise distance between members of the two clusters - method == 'x': the largest pairwise distance between members of the two clusters - method == 'v': average of the pairwise distances between members of the two clusters - transpose: if False: clusters of rows are considered; if True: clusters of columns are considered. """ if transpose: weight = self.gweight else: weight = self.eweight return clusterdistance(, self.mask, weight, index1, index2, method, dist, transpose ) def distancematrix(self, transpose=False, dist="e"): """Calculate the distance matrix and return it as a list of arrays. Keyword arguments: - transpose: if False: calculate the distances between genes (rows); if True: calculate the distances between samples (columns). - dist: specifies the distance function to be used: - dist == 'e': Euclidean distance - dist == 'b': City Block distance - dist == 'c': Pearson correlation - dist == 'a': absolute value of the correlation - dist == 'u': uncentered correlation - dist == 'x': absolute uncentered correlation - dist == 's': Spearman's rank correlation - dist == 'k': Kendall's tau Return value: The distance matrix is returned as a list of 1D arrays containing the distance matrix between the gene expression data. The number of columns in each row is equal to the row number. Hence, the first row has zero length. An example of the return value is: matrix = [[], array([1.]), array([7., 3.]), array([4., 2., 6.])] This corresponds to the distance matrix: [0., 1., 7., 4.] [1., 0., 3., 2.] [7., 3., 0., 6.] [4., 2., 6., 0.] """ if transpose: weight = self.gweight else: weight = self.eweight return distancematrix(, self.mask, weight, transpose, dist) def save(self, jobname, geneclusters=None, expclusters=None): """Save the clustering results. The saved files follow the convention for the Java TreeView program, which can therefore be used to view the clustering result. Keyword arguments: - jobname: The base name of the files to be saved. The filenames are jobname.cdt, jobname.gtr, and jobname.atr for hierarchical clustering, and jobname-K*.cdt, jobname-K*.kgg, jobname-K*.kag for k-means clustering results. - geneclusters: For hierarchical clustering results, geneclusters is a Tree object as returned by the treecluster method. For k-means clustering results, geneclusters is a vector containing ngenes integers, describing to which cluster a given gene belongs. This vector can be calculated by kcluster. - expclusters: For hierarchical clustering results, expclusters is a Tree object as returned by the treecluster method. For k-means clustering results, expclusters is a vector containing nexps integers, describing to which cluster a given sample belongs. This vector can be calculated by kcluster. """ (ngenes, nexps) = np.shape( if self.gorder is None: gorder = np.arange(ngenes) else: gorder = self.gorder if self.eorder is None: eorder = np.arange(nexps) else: eorder = self.eorder if ( geneclusters is not None and expclusters is not None and type(geneclusters) != type(expclusters) # noqa: E721 ): raise ValueError( "found one k-means and one hierarchical " "clustering solution in geneclusters and " "expclusters" ) gid = 0 aid = 0 filename = jobname postfix = "" if isinstance(geneclusters, Tree): # This is a hierarchical clustering result. geneindex = self._savetree(jobname, geneclusters, gorder, False) gid = 1 elif geneclusters is not None: # This is a k-means clustering result. filename = jobname + "_K" k = max(geneclusters) + 1 kggfilename = "%s_K_G%d.kgg" % (jobname, k) geneindex = self._savekmeans(kggfilename, geneclusters, gorder, False) postfix = "_G%d" % k else: geneindex = np.argsort(gorder) if isinstance(expclusters, Tree): # This is a hierarchical clustering result. expindex = self._savetree(jobname, expclusters, eorder, True) aid = 1 elif expclusters is not None: # This is a k-means clustering result. filename = jobname + "_K" k = max(expclusters) + 1 kagfilename = "%s_K_A%d.kag" % (jobname, k) expindex = self._savekmeans(kagfilename, expclusters, eorder, True) postfix += "_A%d" % k else: expindex = np.argsort(eorder) filename = filename + postfix self._savedata(filename, gid, aid, geneindex, expindex) def _savetree(self, jobname, tree, order, transpose): """Save the hierarchical clustering solution (PRIVATE).""" if transpose: extension = ".atr" keyword = "ARRY" else: extension = ".gtr" keyword = "GENE" index = tree.sort(order) nnodes = len(tree) with open(jobname + extension, "w") as outputfile: nodeID = [""] * nnodes nodedist = np.array([node.distance for node in tree[:]]) for nodeindex in range(nnodes): min1 = tree[nodeindex].left min2 = tree[nodeindex].right nodeID[nodeindex] = "NODE%dX" % (nodeindex + 1) outputfile.write(nodeID[nodeindex]) outputfile.write("\t") if min1 < 0: index1 = -min1 - 1 outputfile.write(nodeID[index1] + "\t") nodedist[nodeindex] = max(nodedist[nodeindex], nodedist[index1]) else: outputfile.write("%s%dX\t" % (keyword, min1)) if min2 < 0: index2 = -min2 - 1 outputfile.write(nodeID[index2] + "\t") nodedist[nodeindex] = max(nodedist[nodeindex], nodedist[index2]) else: outputfile.write("%s%dX\t" % (keyword, min2)) outputfile.write(str(1.0 - nodedist[nodeindex])) outputfile.write("\n") return index def _savekmeans(self, filename, clusterids, order, transpose): """Save the k-means clustering solution (PRIVATE).""" if transpose: label = "ARRAY" names = self.expid else: label = self.uniqid names = self.geneid with open(filename, "w") as outputfile: outputfile.write(label + "\tGROUP\n") index = np.argsort(order) n = len(names) sortedindex = np.zeros(n, int) counter = 0 cluster = 0 while counter < n: for j in index: if clusterids[j] == cluster: outputfile.write(f"{names[j]}\t{cluster}\n") sortedindex[counter] = j counter += 1 cluster += 1 return sortedindex def _savedata(self, jobname, gid, aid, geneindex, expindex): """Save the clustered data (PRIVATE).""" if self.genename is None: genename = self.geneid else: genename = self.genename (ngenes, nexps) = np.shape( with open(jobname + ".cdt", "w") as outputfile: if self.mask is not None: mask = self.mask else: mask = np.ones((ngenes, nexps), int) if self.gweight is not None: gweight = self.gweight else: gweight = np.ones(ngenes) if self.eweight is not None: eweight = self.eweight else: eweight = np.ones(nexps) if gid: outputfile.write("GID\t") outputfile.write(self.uniqid) outputfile.write("\tNAME\tGWEIGHT") # Now add headers for data columns. for j in expindex: outputfile.write(f"\t{self.expid[j]}") outputfile.write("\n") if aid: outputfile.write("AID") if gid: outputfile.write("\t") outputfile.write("\t\t") for j in expindex: outputfile.write("\tARRY%dX" % j) outputfile.write("\n") outputfile.write("EWEIGHT") if gid: outputfile.write("\t") outputfile.write("\t\t") for j in expindex: outputfile.write(f"\t{eweight[j]:f}") outputfile.write("\n") for i in geneindex: if gid: outputfile.write("GENE%dX\t" % i) outputfile.write(f"{self.geneid[i]}\t{genename[i]}\t{gweight[i]:f}") for j in expindex: outputfile.write("\t") if mask[i, j]: outputfile.write(str([i, j])) outputfile.write("\n") def read(handle): """Read gene expression data from the file handle and return a Record. The file should be in the file format defined for Michael Eisen's Cluster/TreeView program. """ return Record(handle) # Everything below is private # def __check_data(data): if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = np.require(data, dtype="d", requirements="C") else: data = np.array(data, dtype="d") if data.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("data should be 2-dimensional") if np.isnan(data).any(): raise ValueError("data contains NaN values") return data def __check_mask(mask, shape): if mask is None: return np.ones(shape, dtype="intc") elif isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): return np.require(mask, dtype="intc", requirements="C") else: return np.array(mask, dtype="intc") def __check_weight(weight, ndata): if weight is None: return np.ones(ndata, dtype="d") if isinstance(weight, np.ndarray): weight = np.require(weight, dtype="d", requirements="C") else: weight = np.array(weight, dtype="d") if np.isnan(weight).any(): raise ValueError("weight contains NaN values") return weight def __check_initialid(initialid, npass, nitems): if initialid is None: if npass <= 0: raise ValueError("npass should be a positive integer") clusterid = np.empty(nitems, dtype="intc") else: npass = 0 clusterid = np.array(initialid, dtype="intc") return clusterid, npass def __check_index(index): if index is None: return np.zeros(1, dtype="intc") elif isinstance(index, numbers.Integral): return np.array([index], dtype="intc") elif isinstance(index, np.ndarray): return np.require(index, dtype="intc", requirements="C") else: return np.array(index, dtype="intc") def __check_distancematrix(distancematrix): if distancematrix is None: return distancematrix if isinstance(distancematrix, np.ndarray): distancematrix = np.require(distancematrix, dtype="d", requirements="C") else: try: distancematrix = np.array(distancematrix, dtype="d") except ValueError: n = len(distancematrix) d = [None] * n for i, row in enumerate(distancematrix): if isinstance(row, np.ndarray): row = np.require(row, dtype="d", requirements="C") else: row = np.array(row, dtype="d") if row.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("row %d is not one-dimensional" % i) from None m = len(row) if m != i: raise ValueError( "row %d has incorrect size (%d, expected %d)" % (i, m, i) ) from None if np.isnan(row).any(): raise ValueError("distancematrix contains NaN values") from None d[i] = row return d if np.isnan(distancematrix).any(): raise ValueError("distancematrix contains NaN values") return distancematrix